Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fun Facts!

A few weeks ago, we started taking Bradley method childbirth classes.  They've been pretty fun thus far and I think they'll help us feel as prepared as we can for the process of actually welcoming these babies into the world. 

In the past two weeks, we've learned a couple facts in these classes that I thought others might find interesting:

1. The uterus is the strongest muscle in the human body.  It can exert 45 lbs of pressure per square inch.

2. Since I'm pregnant with twins, I have approximately 100% more blood in my body than I did before I was pregnant.

Given fact #2, I'm hoping there are no vampires nearby.  But if there are, I'm fairly confident that they'll be scared away by the power of my uterus (see fact #1) :-D


  1. see what I mean?! totally an overachiever, school, sports, career, and now uterus!

  2. Having been through labor twice, I TOTALLY believe #1!

  3. From Cousin Michelle:
    Liz - I am totally in awe of the power of your uterus!!!! :)
